
Green Integrity and the Arbor Dividing System


Green Integrity’s finds and collects Large Majestic trees of character anywhere in the world. We are experts in relocating them to your Landscape “One Of A Kind” Projects. By offering an Arbor Dividing System it allows us to offer multiple options for the landscape architects. The owner of Green Integrity’s, Walter Acree, created this system.

The Arbor Dividing System preserves the structure and canopy of the trees. The first steps in this system is to locate a Large Specimen Tree. Then the Roots (root pruning) are prepared which typically takes two to three months before transportation. Specimens are divided into multiple vertical cut sections. Each section is transported by low boy trailer’s or barges and put back together to original shape and size.

A one-year guarantee is available for every Large Specimen Tree through our agreeable maintenance program. We require proper staking, new soil, and irrigation system. FDOT Permits and Escorts are use in all Large Tree transportations. Moreover, the Arbor Dividing System is a process that is to say we keep learning and developing. For instance, most people think it’s impossible to transport a 100-year-old tree and at Green Integrity’s we’ve been doing it for the last 20 years with Great Success.

Green Integrity’s finds the perfect Legacy Tree for your project by utilizing our data base of sellers and inventory. We have everything from Banyans, Kapok’s, Baobab’s, and Live Oaks to name a few.

Our #1 Goal

To deliver Large Healthy Trees of Character. Therefore, safety is our top priority not just for the project but for the long-lasting life of the tree. The envisioned landscape isn’t complete till the Majestic Trees are safe and secure through the Arbor Dividing System. In the end, our promise is the TREE looks as if it has always been there, creating a lasting legacy for Generations to come.

Mission Statement

To make Green Integrity’s the first thought a company has when their landscape project starts. We find their legacy tree and exceed the expectations of Owners, Architects, Landscape Architects, and Designers. We inspire, are passionate, and use our imaginations to benefit the projects goals. Our commitment is to operate Green Integrity’s with Integrity and make a long-lasting positive impact with our customers.